Access Control Systems Are Scalable to Accommodate Your Business

Access control systems provide security through key cards, keypads, and sensors that monitor and verify entry. They are scalable to accommodate your business and can be integrated into other systems.

Role-Based Access Control Technology (RBAC) assigns privileges based on specific organizational roles, limiting who can go where and when. These systems can also track visitor patterns and help you optimize your facility.

With access control systems, you can monitor who is entering your facility. This is especially important when dealing with sensitive information like health records, financial documents, or client data that needs to be kept safe from unauthorized personnel.

Modern complete access control also integrates with other technologies, APIs, and systems, such as IoT home automation solutions, intrusion detection, or fire alarms. This helps to increase the overall security level and ensures that the user gets the most out of their system. Staying informed about the latest advancements in these systems is critical for businesses looking to enhance their current security posture. Upgrades often address existing vulnerabilities or introduce improved functionality better suited to protect against new threats.

In addition to offering digital convenience and robust security, many access control systems provide real-time reporting. This feature allows security teams to track and monitor all activity in a building from any location, making it easy for property managers to see when tenants are subletting spaces or unauthorized guests are entering buildings.

Intelligent technologies like cloud-based management also allow security and IT teams to manage their access control technology

At its core, an access control system requires a central computer that acts as the brain for your entire security network and door controllers that communicate with reader devices (like key cards and fobs) to unlock doors or open elevators. Depending on your needs, the central computer can be as simple as a desktop for small systems or redundant mirrored servers for larger ones.


The access control technology can range from a simple desktop PC for smaller systems to redundant mirrored servers for the largest, most complex systems. This high-speed computer controls the flow of information back and forth between all connected hardware.

Other features of complete access control include creating custom reports and a visitor management system that verifies visitors and records their movements on site. Some also feature energy-efficient technologies to lower operational costs and align with sustainability. Lastly, some systems can be configured to operate offline, which is especially important for businesses that may experience temporary power loss or remote sites with limited connectivity. This feature allows the system to continue functioning and prevents lost vital cards or unauthorized users from entering buildings or stealing valuable equipment.

A malfunctioning access control system can expose people, equipment, and property to attack or theft. It can also clog work workflows, leading to productivity loss.

Regular inspections can uncover damage to devices or problems that can be resolved before they become significant. Typical maintenance includes checking and cleaning devices, replacing batteries in sensors, testing the network connection to ensure it is within the manufacturer’s specifications and that related access control technology is functioning well, doing power tests on magnetic locks to ensure they have enough strength to lock, and checking for rust on door sensors and their wiring.